IPC Fahaheel, Kuwait


“Whatever you do, do it from the heart for the Lord and not for people. You know that you will receive an inheritance as a reward. You serve the Lord Christ.”
(Colossians 3:23-24)

The motto of PYPA is Saved to Serve for which member uses their God-given talents, but they are expected to perform all the activities according to the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In 1996, God entitled us to begin our PYPA. Families, Bachelors, and spinsters have come under the burden of the spiritual edification of our next generation. For many years PYPA has been successful, under strong leadership. They are gratefully acknowledged for their work and commitment. PYPA conducts its meeting on the 3rd Thursday of every month with various programs for kids, youths, and seniors. Mega Bible Quiz is conducted at each meeting and the winner will be awarded based on the overall point throughout the year. A talent test is conducted each year in our PYPA and the winners shall be awarded with medals and trophies. In 2001 the functioning of the library was begun, today it has become a big library with a volume of books. As a part of evangelism, PYPA members have visited many labor camps and residences with the goal of ‘reaching the unreached’, PYPA is supporting mission fields in different States of India. Church picnics are held every year to build harmony and fellowship among church believers. PYPA ensures to conduct various programs and games to stimulate children’s spiritual and physical development.

Church Ministries

Church Ministries

Pastor. Shino George

Br. Daiju Davis

Br. Ani John
Jnt. Secretary

Br. Johny Baby

Br.Janeesh Babu

Br.Moncy Mathew

Br.Jinny Varghese